Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Higher Level Annoyances

I am and almost always have been, primarily a C++ programmer. Recently I have been working on the AI for a Chinese Checkers game in Java. Now I have had some good experience in Java but I have never tried to do anything this technical before.

We are using a mini-max tree to choose the moves and, I never thought I would say this, I am really missing pointers. Throughout using Java and its massively wonderful API I have felt very restricted. It seems like all the workarounds that I and my TA have come up with prove to be more prone to hiding errors than just using pointers.

I know that the Java developers kept pointers out to lower the potential for bugs but does this really lower the development time? This may be because of my lack of extensive experience with Java but I am spending more time writing the software than I would be spending writing and debugging with pointers.

Hopefully with experience my desires for pointers will fade but for now all I want is one simple TreeNode pointer.

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